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Sandra Lenhard. Helping People and Organisations to Develop.

Initiating – inspiring – supporting.

The success of an organisation depends on the people who work in it. Each individual employee has their own skills and potential and makes their own contribution to this success. Organisations that achieve great things develop strategies and structures AND get their employees on board. They involve them in what is going on and are rewarded in return with access to their maximum, achievable joint potential, which in turn sets developments in motion.

As an expert for organisational development and leadership, I provide you with advice and help you and your company

  • to shape the future of your organisation,
  • to plan and implement organisational development processes,
  • to develop your management team and establish a sustainable leadership culture,
  • to address and overcome challenging leadership and cooperation situations, and
  • to define your status quo and develop further as a person and as a professional.

My expertise

Interdisciplinary competence (Business Studies & Psychology): in my work, I productively combine my wealth of experience in “hard” and “soft” factors and make this available as required.

Many years of management, consulting and training experience in national and international corporate settings: I know from my own experience what I am talking about. My work is correspondingly specific and practice oriented.

Targeted further education, training and self-reflection: by continually striving and working to develop my own skills and competences, I am able to guarantee high professionalism – even in delicate situations.

My portfolio

Organisational development: consulting and coaching for comprehensive change processes

Leadership development: design and realisation of sustainable leadership training programmes for the development of practical management and leadership competence on an individual level

Management coaching: coach and sparring partner for demanding leadership challenges, in situations of transition and reorientation, and in efforts to expand your options and increase your own effectiveness

Moderation: design and facilitation of management workshops, team development sessions and large group events (e.g. on topics such as future planning, strategy implementation, cooperation or role clarification)

Seminars: design and realisation of practical seminars with lasting effects

Conflict resolution: Support and mediation in work-related conflicts

My Consultant Profile

Link to My Consultant Profile


Lenhard S./Reise A. (2013): Führung als Beziehungsarbeit. In: R. Königswieser/E. Lang/U. Königswieser/M. Keil (Eds.): Systemische Unternehmensberatung. Die wirksamsten Theorien, Modelle und Konzepte für die Praxis. Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag, Stuttgart. Link to book (only available in German)