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Management coaching. Leading effectively in challenging situations.

Room to reflect for a better quality of life

Today’s managers have to handle many conflicting priorities and are frequently faced with challenging management dilemmas that are not easy to resolve. They have to:

  • optimise results in the short-term AND guarantee long-term success
  • constantly change the organisation AND represent the interests of their staff
  • be omnipresent and competent AND constantly develop and reflect on themselves
  • champion the organisation’s values AND act in a motivated and genuine manner (even if this means that their own values have to take a back seat)

No matter how challenging or complex your situation is, I can provide you with the support of my coaching skill and experience. I am there for you to talk to, I serve as your sparring partner, I provide you with honest feedback and coach you on your path to development. Our dialogue provides you with a different view of the situation, allows you to reflect on your own patterns of behaviour and helps you to better understand your own contribution to existing problems. You receive effective input, develop alternative solutions and approach your work with new vitality. This, in turn, gives you more autonomy and frees up space for more exciting activities.

Possible Management Coaching Topics

  • Knowing and leading yourself better
  • Mastering challenging leadership situations
  • Accepting and shaping a new leadership role
  • Mastering complexity
  • Achieving lasting change
  • Strengthening teams and improving cooperation
  • Resolving conflicts
  • Handling stress and pressure
  • Establishing a standpoint and specifying the prospects for the future
  • Reflecting on the essential questions
  • Giving exhaustion or demotivation their necessary space and taking appropriate personal steps

Since every situation is different, I will provide you with individual support tailored precisely to your own needs and situation throughout the development process. You decide when you are ready to pursue your management role with renewed strength, energy and pleasure.