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Motivating people – focussing objectives

Happily and enthusiastically facilitating change and development.

Motivating people to take responsibility and autonomously define and initiate change and development – for themselves, their team or their organisation – is something I do with pleasure and with a passion. In doing so, I help you to achieve long-term business success for your organisation. My approach is:

  • Holistic and based on experience: I watch out in my work for important links between strategy, structure and culture. Insights and experience from different worlds flow equally into the process with productive results.
  • Warm, intuitive and intelligent: I support people from a holistic perspective and I do so with heart and mind. I intuitively and mindfully also uncover the invisible aspects of change, i.e. those that lie below the surface, to ensure change is successfully achieved.
  • Appreciative and clear: I approach existing structures, ways of thinking and patterns of behaviour with respect and appreciation. Which of these will still be useful in the future? And which could prove to be a hindrance? Effective suggestions and clear statements help you to define your path to development.
  • Fair, lasting and on a partnership basis: No matter what your corporate goal is, my objective is to help you to define your own path to this goal. I see myself as a temporary coach and sparring partner, who provides you with orientation and support using tailor-made methods, measures and procedures.
  • Bold and humorous: Many of my clients want me to hold up a “mirror” and show them what is going on, even if this does at times also reveal uncomfortable aspects. I address such challenging issues boldly and sensitively. I also try to incorporate some light-heartedness into difficult situations: I like to laugh with my clients and help them to design development paths that are fun, even if they do go round in circles!